Year 2
Autumn 1
Wow, what a fantastic start to year 2 we have had!
We have focused on emotions in the story ‘The day the crayons quit’ sequenced the story, created our own crayon and have been writing character descriptions! We have also been learning about punctuation and when to use exclamation and question marks.
In Maths we have explored 2D shapes in our environment and focused on their properties. We have also been practising adding and subtracting using a variety of resources. It’s been great jumping forwards and backwards on our number line outside to practise one more and one less!
Our project this term is ‘WE ARE Time Travellers.’ We have LOVED learning about how children living in the Victorian era lived differently to how we live today. It’s been fascinating learning about how different schools, food, clothing, toys and general living was for children!
Did you know that there would be up to 80 children in one class?
If you were left-handed you would wear the dunce hat!
We can’t wait to continue with our time travellers research after half term!
Autumn 2
It’s been a busy half term for us in Challenge and Venture! We have been busy with a variety of exciting activities!
In English, we have been learning about the features of a narrative, focusing on setting and character description, and enjoyed reading the classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.
In Science, we have explored plants by growing cress seeds, labelling different parts of a flower, and investigating what each part of a flower’s job is.
In Maths, we have been practising our measuring skills, working with both length and weight. We have also consolidated our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes, going on lots of shape hunts and building 3D structures with a variety of resources.
Our Project learning has been amazing. This half term we have compared different countries by researching their typical clothing, popular food, capital cities and cool traditions. Did you know that Germany is home to the world's first modern playground? It was built in 1840, and since then, playgrounds have become a popular place for children to play all over the world! So, next time you’re at a playground, you can thank Germany for starting this fun tradition!
We have also looked at the differences between a village, town and city, and discussed where we would prefer to live!
It’s been a fun half term full of hands-on learning and creativity - what a fantastic end to the year!