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Governor Board

Chair of Governors Annual Statement

Who are the Ainslie Wood Governors?

The Ainslie Wood Governing Body is made up of 9 members.  Included in this count, we have:

  • The Headteacher
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • and the rest are made up by Co Opted governors who bring particular skills to our team.

Meet the Governors

Chair of Governors

Our Chair was co-opted onto our Governing Body as an expert in education.  Bruce Roberts is a serving headteacher at a secondary special school in Waltham Forest.  This role means Bruce is the ideal person to be our SEND provision, making sure that everyone in our school gets exactly what they need to be successful.  Bruce has been a part of our Governing Body since November 2020 and makes sure he asks all of the tricky questions of Ms Scott and the team.

Vice Chair

Our Vice Chair is Neil Nute.  Neil was elected to our governing body in January 2019 as a parent governor and brought such a lot of skills and challenge to the board that he is now a co-opted member.  Neil uses the skills from his work in the charity sector to fulfil his governor role here.  As Safeguarding Governor, Neil visits the school regularly to oversee our safeguarding systems and to make sure that everyone is being kept safe.

Local Authority Governor

Our brand new Local Authority Governor is Sally Davies.  Sally is the Senior Philanthropy Manager at the Altzheimers Society.  She has previously worked as an Account Executive at KPMG and as a Case Worker and Researcher for the Shadow Minister for Children and Families.  This list experience means that Sally is perfect to take the role of Finance Governor, overseeing the budget and making sure that it is spent effectively for the benefit of our children.

Parent Governors

You may have seen Monique Price around Ainslie Wood before, as she has two children currently attending our school (Remi in Year 1 and Riva in Nursery) and Rayah who recently left us for secondary school.  Monique's role is Community Governor and is working closely with Philippa on developing strong links with our parent community.   Make sure you have a chat with Monique about ideas and things you'd like to see more of at Ainslie Wood.

Our other elected Parent Governor is Jesper Hansen , his daughter Nora is in Year 1.  Jesper works as a lecturer at University College London in adult learning, assessment strategy and norm-critical inclusivity and also has a background in Danish further education.  These skills are really useful to Ainslie Wood as Jesper  holds the role of  Curriculum Governor, bringing his questioning mind to help us develop current thinking.     

Co Opted Governors

We are very fortunate to have found our other co-opted governor, Onyinyechi Ekeanyanwu, who, due to her background in project management, is fantastic at keeping us all in check! She holds the role of being our Adult Development Governor, ensuring we meet our high standards of development across the school. 

We currently have one vacancy for a co-opted Governor

Staff Governor

The person representing our staff at the Governing Body meetings is Mr Archer.  Mr Archer is currently a Year 2 teacher and the Leader of Science at Ainslie Wood.  Mr Archer has worked at Ainslie Wood for 5 years in several different year groups and is enjoying learning about the more technical aspects of how the school runs.  

And finally, I'm sure you all know the Headteacher (find her info on the SLT section of the 'Who's Who' page).  Ms Scott sits on the Governing Body, reporting everything about the school, how we are doing and what our plans are and then answers lots of questions.  She takes an automatic position on the board, but would have worked hard to have been elected as she loves finding everything out about Ainslie Wood all the time.


Our full governing body meets about once every month.  For this reason, we are able to work without most committees.  The committees that we do have are:

Staff Pay and Headteacher Performance

While these are 2 separate committees, they are made up of the same group of Governors.  The Chair of both committees is Neil Nute.

As of 1st September 2022, the number of employees whose benefits exceed over £100,000 per annum is 0.

Governors Meetings

Governors Committees

Governors Declarations