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EYFS Reception

What a fabulous start to the school year we have had!

All the children have settled in extremely well and have made many new friends.

We started the term by reading the story ‘Boris Starts School’. We did lots of circle times to get to know each other and to talk about how we were feeling about starting Reception. We were all very excited, although some of us were feeling a little nervous. We have got to know our teachers and what our school day looks like.

We then moved on to looking at ‘What makes me, me?’ We spoke about how we are similar and different to our friends; skin, hair, eyes etc. We all did a wonderful self-portrait, really looking at the different features that we have. We spoke about our likes and dislikes and how it is okay to be different from our friends. We looked at how we have changed since we were babies and all the things that we can now do.

After this, we read the story ‘The Colour Monster’. We had discussions about our feelings and how it is okay to feel these different emotions. We made our own Colour Monster puppets and used these in our play.

We then moved on to the story of ‘Elmer’. We learnt how Elmer was different and unique from all of the other elephants. We had our own ‘Elmer Day’ where we designed our own face-painting pattern and the teachers painted our faces.

We finished the half term by looking at ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. We spoke to our partners about the things that we cannot do and the things that we can do. We discussed how we need to have a ‘can do’ attitude and say ‘I can try’ just like Gerald the Giraffe. It is not that we can’t do it, it is just that we can’t do it ‘yet’.


Throughout the term we have been practising our phonics. We have learnt so many sounds and have been using these to read and write many CVC words. In maths we have learnt about more and less, how to compare quantities and how to make repeating patterns to just name a few things.


It has been an amazing start to the year and we cannot wait for next half term!